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Folder Structure

Summary of package resources.

Content of package:

  • Typescript-version and Javascript-version
    • full-version
    • starter-kit
    • Documentation.html
  └── Full-version and Starter-kit
      ├── .vscode           //vscode setting file
      ├── public
      ├── src
      ├──  ├── assets       // Template and logo reside here
      ├──  ├── components   //All custom global component
      ├──  ├── composable   // Composable functions
      ├──  ├── layouts      // Layouts and navigation and navbar components
      ├──  ├── menus        // navigation menu files
      ├──  ├── plugins      // All plugin reside here like Vuetify and Axios mock adaptor
      ├──  ├── router       // Router files
      ├──  ├── stores       // Pinia store files
      ├──  ├── styles       // Core and user style files
      ├──  ├── utils        // util functions
      ├──  ├── views        // All views files
      ├──  ├── App.vue 
      ├──  ├── main.ts
      ├── .browserslistrc
      ├── .editorconfig
      ├── .eslintrc
      ├── .gitignore
      ├── .stylelintrc
      ├── appConfig
      ├── auto-imports.d
      ├── env.d
      ├── index.html
      ├── package.json
      ├── tsconfig
      ├── vite.config
  └── Full-version and Starter-kit
      ├── .vscode           //vscode setting file
      ├── public
      ├── src
      ├──  ├── assets       // Template and logo reside here
      ├──  ├── components   //All custom global component
      ├──  ├── composable   // Composable functions
      ├──  ├── layouts      // Layouts and navigation and navbar components
      ├──  ├── menus        // navigation menu files
      ├──  ├── plugins      // All plugin reside here like Vuetify and Axios mock adaptor
      ├──  ├── router       // Router files
      ├──  ├── stores       // Pinia store files
      ├──  ├── styles       // Core and user style files
      ├──  ├── utils        // util functions
      ├──  ├── views        // All views files
      ├──  ├── App.vue 
      ├──  ├── main.ts
      ├── .browserslistrc
      ├── .editorconfig
      ├── .eslintrc
      ├── .gitignore
      ├── .stylelintrc
      ├── appConfig
      ├── auto-imports.d
      ├── env.d
      ├── index.html
      ├── package.json
      ├── tsconfig
      ├── vite.config
  • Full-version: This setup mirrors the live demo in its entirety, feel free to eliminate any unused elements or seamlessly insert your own content as needed.
  • Starter-kit: The Starter-Kit serves as a streamlined template, offering a simplified foundation to expedite the commencement of your project. Rather than engaging in the task of eliminating unnecessary components, this kit provides a swift starting point.